The SNL sensations known as Please Don't Destroy, a comedy group consisting of Ben Marshall, John Higgins, and Martin Herlihy, have served as some of the more popular faces of comedy in the past few years. Please Don't Destroy: The Treasure of Foggy Mountain is the group's first feature-length movie, and to call it a disappointment would be a massive understatement. Anyone who isn't already a fan of the comedy group will most likely be put off by the film's cringey, social media-influenced humor. The script feels like ChatGPT wrote it, and the three leads lack chemistry, failing to deliver the jokes with ease. The Treasure of Foggy Mountain is a wasted effort that goes beat by beat without originality and barely any laughs.
REVIEW: Please Don't Destroy: The Treasure of Foggy Mountain is an Unfunny Comedy with a Major Lack of Focus
Unfortunately, Please Don't Destroy's first feature-length film offers a painfully predictable story and fails to elicit almost any laughs.