Michael Hollan

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Split Images of The Thing, Pennywise, and Puff The Marshmallow 1
10 Movie Monsters That Could Defeat Godzilla (And 10 That Don’t Stand a Chance)

He might be considered the king of the monsters, but there are plenty of other movie beasts that could dethrone Godzilla and steal the crown.

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20 MCU Characters We Hope To See In 2019

In 2019, Marvel Studios will finally start to reveal what the future holds. Here are the characters that need to appear before Phase 4 finally begins.

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20 Times Toys Spoiled Movies

Toys aren't always fun and games. Tie-in toys for movies have a history of spoiling great movies, and it happens way more often than anyone realizes.

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Insurrection at 20: Why Star Trek's Ninth Movie Is Actually Good

It might be one of the least popular Star Trek movies, but Insurrection did do some things right. Here's everything good about the odd-number Trek movie.

10 Villains That Should Appear In The Next Venom, And 5 Heroes (Besides Spider-Man)

With the success of Sony's "Venom," it's time to start to speculating on who and how many characters are going to pop up in the eventual sequel.

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15 Ways The MCU Messed Up Hawkeye

In the comics, Clint Barton is one of the most interesting Avengers. He's a complicated character, who often clashes with other heroes.

10 Ways FOX Did Wolverine Justice (10 Ways It Brought Him Down)

With Hugh Jackman stepping down, it's time to look at what Fox got right about Wolverine and what they really screwed up over the last 18 years.

All New, All Different MCU: 25 Nutty (But Possible) Theories About The MCU After Avengers 4

These theories are all long shots, but when it comes to Marvel Studios, that doesn’t make them impossible in any way at all.

Forced Out: 15 Star Wars Cut Scenes (That Would Have Changed Everything)

Had these deleted scenes actually appeared in the Star Wars movies, they would've altered the course of the saga (though not always for the best).

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10 Nerdy ’90s Blockbusters That Aged Well (And 10 We Should All Forget)

Some unforgettable classics came out in the '90s, right alongside some true stinkers. CBR breaks down the winners from the losers!

20 Supervillains We Were Supposed To Get On-Screen (But Got Cut)

The good guys almost always beat the bad guys, but some comic book movie villains get defeated before they even make their way to the big screen.

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10 Superhero Pairs Who Are BFFs (And 10 Who Can't Stand Each Other)

Some superhero duos are more than just team-ups, they're true friendships. Of course, not every duo gets along, turning their team-ups into rivalries!

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10 Nerdy '80s Blockbusters That Aged Well (And 10 We Should All Forget)

The '80s was a huge decade for nerdy movies, but not all of them hold up. Some of them remain classics, while others deserve to be forgotten forever.

The Mortal Kombat Reboot: 10 Strange Theories (And 5 Stranger Truths)

There's a new Mortal Kombat movie coming out! That's basically the only confirmed fact at this point, but here's everything we know (so far)!

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The 20 Marvel Movie Characters Who Changed The Most Since The MCU Began

After 20 movies, the characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe have had plenty of time to change; sometimes for the better, but not always.

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The 15 Most Cataclysmic Disasters In The MCU, Officially Ranked

The MCU has had more than its share of cataclysmic events. Even if the heroes usually save the day, there's always a mess to clean up. Here are the worst!

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8 Irredeemable MCU Villains (And 7 Who Could Still Be Saved)

Some villains are just bad to the bone. Others have a chance at stepping into the light. It all just depends on who they truly are on the inside.

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15 Legit DC Movie Casting Rumors (And 2 That Are Definitely Impossible)

From the next possible Batman to the new Green Lantern, join CBR as we count down some of the most legit casting rumors about DC's upcoming movies!

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Mutants In Space: Every X-Men Cosmic Event, Officially Ranked

The Avengers might claim to be Earth's mightiest heroes, but that's only because the X-Men are too busy fighting aliens and protecting the cosmos.

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If I Ruled The World: 20 Villains (And Heroes) Who Conquered The Planet

Everybody wants to rule the world, but only a select few actually get to... unless we're talking about comic books, then it's much more common.

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