BOOM! Studios presents gritty crime-thriller Underheist #1, the first in a five-part miniseries from the creators of Stray Bullets. Underheist #1 is the latest project written and created by Maria Lapham and David Lapham, whose credits as a writing team include Lodger, Murder Me Dead, Young Liars, and The Ends, as well as the formerly mentioned smash-hit series Stray Bullets. Illustrated and lettered by David Lapham, with colors by Hilary Jenkins, this hardboiled heist story is slated to be released on a hotly anticipated monthly schedule.
REVIEW: BOOM! Studios' Underheist #1
From Maria and David Lapham, co-creators of crime fiction juggernaut Stray Bullets, comes a new BOOM! Studios miniseries, featuring a heist gone awry.