

Aquaman movie poster featuring Arthur Curry and Mera in classic costumes 1
Aquaman Nets a New Streaming Home as The Lost Kingdom Flounders

Aquaman will resurface at a new streaming home after its sequel sunk at the box office.

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The Best DC Heroes Who Should Get the World's Finest Treatment

DC Comics' World's Finest revitalized the likes of Batman and Superman like never before. More DC superheroes deserve the World's Finest treatment.

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10 Best Justice Leaguers With The Weirdest Powers, Ranked

From the power to speak with fish to being able to transform into a literal rocket, the Justice League's greatest heroes have some strange abilities.

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Aquaman 2 Director Clarifies if Ben Affleck's Batman Appears in the Sequel

James Wan is clearing the air after conflicting reports about Ben Affleck's return as Batman in Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom.

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Keith Giffen Wrote One of Aquaman’s Best Stories

Before the Peter David and Geoff Johns runs, Aquaman had an epic post-Crisis fantasy adventure courtesy of the phenomenal Keith Giffen.

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Forget Batman - Aquaman and Black Manta are Some of DC’s Most Tragic Characters

Batman is known for being dark and brooding, but Aquaman and his rival Black Manta both live lives even more depressing than the Dark Knight's.

Covers for Jeff Parker's Aquaman, Peter David's Aquaman and The Atlantis Chronicles. 1
10 Best Aquaman Comics For Non-Aquaman Fans

Aquaman might not be everyone's favorite DC Comics hero, but he's had several great comic book runs, from the Bronze Age to more recent stories.

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10 Golden Age DC Characters Better Than Their Silver Age Counterparts

Golden Age versions of Flash, Wonder Woman and other Justice Society heroes are actually superior to their Silver Age counterparts in many ways.

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10 Mortal Kombat 1 Characters Who Should Get DC Skins

Mortal Kombat and DC are no strangers to crossovers with each other, so MK1 characters like Raiden and Ashrah could get Shazam and Wonder Woman skins.

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Aquaman 2 May Be Setting Up Arthur Curry's Greatest Tragedy

Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom is adding the child of Aquaman and Mera, but the kid may have a tragic fate if the movie follows the comic books.

Black Manta fighting Aquaman. 1
Why Black Manta Is The Darkest Justice League Nemesis

Black Manta's bottomless hatred for Aquaman to the exclusion of everything else makes him the darkest and most tragic JLA villain in DC Comics.

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10 Major DC Retcons (That No One Noticed)

For whatever reason, major DC retcons like Green Lantern John Stewart's personality and Batman's dislike of guns went unnoticed for decades.

Blue Beetle from Injustice 2 and Ted Kord and Harley Quinn DC Comics 1
10 DC Superheroes Who Need The Blue Beetle Scarab

The Blue Beetle Scarab gifts Jaime Reyes with incredible powers, and plenty of other DC Comics heroes could benefit from the alien tech.

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What Comics Inspired Aquaman's New DCEU Costume?

Aquaman has a new costume in Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom, and it seems to be inspired by his numerous suits from DC Comics throughout the years.

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Aquaman Once Discovered That Gorilla Grodd’s Existence Helped Strengthen DC's Gorilla City

Aquaman's investigation into his missing mother once ended up revealing the important role Grodd plays in gorilla society in DC Comics.

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10 Most Important Aquaman Milestones In DC Comics

Aquaman has experienced just as many DC milestones as Superman and Batman – some even more impactful than either.

Sideways activates his costume and Gangbuster hangs from a fire escape 1
10 Times Marvel Was Ripped Off By DC

With characters like Sideways and Gangbuster, it's obvious that DC has copied Marvel multiple times.

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10 DC Heroes Who Created Their Own Worst Enemies

DC heroes like Batman, Superman and the Flash ultimately created their greatest villains, Joker, Luthor, and Reverse Flash, through their own actions.

A split image of Wonder Woman (Vol. 2) #6, All-Star Superman #12, and Batman (Vol. 3) #85 from DC Comics 1
10 Popular DC Heroes (& Their Greatest Victory)

DC's greatest heroes, from Batman to Superman, triumphed over deadly foes like Bane and Luthor, achieving victories during desperate battles.

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10 DC Heroes Stronger Than Their Children

Damian Wayne and Jonathan Kent carry Batman and Superman's legacies, but DC has plenty of heroic parents who are still stronger than their children.

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