The modern-day version of shared universes started in comic books, with publishers telling stories about vigilantes whose lives sometimes crossed over in epic fashion. Image Comics is doing something similar in scale and roster, expanding its Massive-Verse into franchises of superhero-centric titles. But not all characters that readers meet are heroes, and some are intriguing enough to take another look at, giving them a chance to prove their worth. Shift seems to fit that exact criterion as Image places him in the center stage of a new oversized one-shot that tracks his backstory to the present. With the help of his amazing teleportation powers, courtesy of his Radiant-inspired suit, Shift, or Guy, as people in his profession call him, is ready to deploy.
REVIEW: Image's Shift #1
Shift #1 expands the Massive-Verse by leaps and bounds, giving a morally dubious character like Shift the time and depth he deserves.