Before creating the hit Karate Kid continuation series Cobra Kai, the creative team of Jon Hurwitz, Hayden Schlossberg, and Josh Heald came from a raunchy comedy background, with projects like Harold & Kumar and the 2012 American Pie sequel American Reunion. These comedic chops are evident in the team's latest Netflix original series, Obliterated, combining high-octane action and adult comedy against the neon backdrop of Sin City. Already a worldwide hit with Netflix subscribers, Obliterated is uneven, with the seams of its production budget showing at times, but when it connects, there are explosively enjoyable moments to be had.
REVIEW: Obliterated Delivers Uneven Thrills and Laughs Along the Strip
Obliterated is a smash hit original series on Netflix. Here's CBR's review of the explosive, raunchy comedy series.