Based on Luke Pearson's graphic novel series, Netflix's Hilda has been a wondrous adventure for audiences of all ages and a staple of Netflix's children's programming alongside other series such as Jurassic Park: Camp Cretaceous. The series follows Hilda, her mother Johanna, her deerfox Twig, and the elf Alfur Aldric as they leave their secluded life in the woods and move to the bigger city of Trollberg. Throughout Hilda's adventures, the series emphasizes the importance of friendship, communication, and empathy as Hilda seeks out and befriends various magical creatures in Trollberg and beyond.
REVIEW: Netflix's Hilda's Third Season Is a Heartwarming and Satisfying Finale
The final season of Netflix's Hilda delves into Hilda's family history and provides a satisfying conclusion for fans of the series.